Friday, October 22, 2010

Pet Peeve: Believable Romances

I've got a new pet peeve when it comes to fanfics now. You see, it's this coupling thing. Now mind you, I'm not a strictly canon person. I love non-cannon couplings (Hello? I write Anakin/Ahsoka). But as I was going through some stories in not only the Star Wars archive, but others, I couldn't believe how many canon and non-canon couplings there were stories about that didn't make the relationship realistic.

Now before you go off on me in the comments section, I, again, have no problems with non-canon couples. I support Harry/Hermione, Anakin/Ahsoka, Jack/Elizabeth, etc... But I have a problem when they aren't written with realism in mind. I mean if you're going to write one of these pairing you can't just say they had hidden feelings for each other without giving support from the actual work to prove that it's a possibility or developing the possibility of a relationship especially when your character(s) are already in a relationship! Take for instance the Obidala coupling. I don't have a problem with it, but God make it believable. I'm going to be a skeptic for two reason. One: There's no evidence in the movies to support Obi-wan has any feelings for Padme and Two: She's interested in Anakin. As a writer, your job is to make me believe! Not just write a story about them together because you like the coupling. And you know what writing like that does? It keeps the fans from the other different couplings from flaming the story and it makes them actually like the story and the couple.

It's like this, you can't just say there are hidden feelings without giving me evidence to support it. Make one little or big critical event happen that could turn couple down the path of romance and for God's sake believable. I do believe in the integrity of the character. Stay true to the character. Even if you make them evil, make me see an evil version of the character. It's like Darth Vader and Anakin. Same person, just one evil, one good. They both still have some of the basic characteristics of each other just on two opposite extremes.

Do you all get this? Now to make you non-canon people feel better, I have a pet peeve about canon couplings too. I was just looking around in the Iron Man: Armored Adventures section and you would not believe the stories I saw that made me almost hate the Pepper/Tony coupling. For those of you who don't watch it, Tony doesn't have much of a romantic bone in his body and he has the annoying tendency to brush people off and their feelings. So while it's pretty obvious Pepper is just about head over heals for him, there's nothing to show that Tony feels the same way except that he's protective of her, but that can be said about any of his friends. It's not until the end of season one where there are some hints that he might be a tad jealous of some other guy when Pepper starts focusing her attention on him. Anywho, I practically died when I saw all the fics with them as the main couple and a good majority took Tony like... way out of character or made this sudden jump that he really likes or loves Pepper. I do believe there's something way down deep inside, but not enough for that yet.

My point, even the canon couplings have to be written believable and it just irks me that no one is taking the time to think about the characters instead of saying, I like this couple so I'm going to write a story about them and to hell with how they really are.

I know. I know... It's called fanfiction, but even we fanfic writers have to have our standards. I'm not saying I'm perfect. I can name one or two scenes or situations in my fic where I pushed the line, but even proffessional writers do that, but my point is do try. Please so I won't waste fifteen minutes writing on this subject again.

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