Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shout Out!

Well, I got a complaint from my sister who habits and her complaint was being unable to find good Star wars stories. I did direct her to the C2's but other than separating favorite pairings and types of stories you have to sort through the stories like you have to do the regular archive unless you have a picky manager. So I decided to do shout outs the fic writers who have a lot of promise on this site.

GalaxyPink is an author who dabbles in the star wars genre and she has this great story going called Forbidden Love of the Jedi in which Padme was a jedi along with Anakin. I won't spoil the story, but let me just say I think it's not getting the recognition it deserves on the site. The drawback about her is that she's a slow updater, but when she updates, it's well worth the wait.

TheRealThing is practically famous on the site for his stories that usual feature Vader's redemption through his not so dead wife and Luke and Leia. Expect a happy ending, but don't assume how he'll do it. His fics share a common them though in that they are usually very long. So have a good time with those. He's got a story going now called Perspectives and it's a bit away from what he usually does being that it's written from the perspectives of all the Skywalkers interchangeably.

Darth Comrade is a star wars author who has written quite a few star wars fics, but the two I'm showcasing are his Ahsoka/Anakin ones called Council of Love and it's sequel Beacons of the Ancients. They're wonderful stories with a unique believable way of how Anakin and Ahsoka get together although it pushes it even for me, but it's a wonderful story.

So check these authors out. They're great writers for the most part and if they lack anything in style, they make up for it in plot and storyline.

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