Monday, September 27, 2010

Cover Art Contest!

Okay, so I was over on the and I saw the covers some of the people had for their stories. Being that I can't draw, I started to wonder if anyone would do it for me. Here are the rules for the dark Ahsoka series!

1)Light of Liberty: Luke and Leia must be in the pic and it must somehow reflect what the story's about as well as the title. So that means some kind of light might be in it, or something else that reflects a significant scene in it.
Descending in Love: The cover must have Ahsoka and Anakin in it and can have any other people the person see as significant to a certain theme of part in the story. A certain theme must also be apparent.
Ascension in Darkness: Must have Darth Pesinoe and Anakin, in it and reflect the theme of the story.
Transition in Darkness: Must have Pesinoe and Leia in the cover and like the rest reflects theme of story.
Ascension from Darkness: This one I'm giving a little leeway since I'm not sure how many characters can fit on one cover. So do as you please.

2) Nothing vulgar. I know you guys aren't like that butit has to be said because one never knows...

3)Have fun with it! I want people to be creative. If it comes down to it and you need to completely disregard the requirements, email or pm me and do so. I'm a reasonable person and I know creative genius can't be confined so tell me if my criteria isn't working and I'll give you the freedom to free style it... In fact disregard those criteria (except for the vulgar one) and draw as you please. I know. I went through the trouble of going through criterias and took it back, but I can't restrict the artist.

So the winners are the ones whose covers I'll use when I submit the stories to fanfic archive and I'll give them that cover art if they accept the story.

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