Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shout Out!

Well, I got a complaint from my sister who habits and her complaint was being unable to find good Star wars stories. I did direct her to the C2's but other than separating favorite pairings and types of stories you have to sort through the stories like you have to do the regular archive unless you have a picky manager. So I decided to do shout outs the fic writers who have a lot of promise on this site.

GalaxyPink is an author who dabbles in the star wars genre and she has this great story going called Forbidden Love of the Jedi in which Padme was a jedi along with Anakin. I won't spoil the story, but let me just say I think it's not getting the recognition it deserves on the site. The drawback about her is that she's a slow updater, but when she updates, it's well worth the wait.

TheRealThing is practically famous on the site for his stories that usual feature Vader's redemption through his not so dead wife and Luke and Leia. Expect a happy ending, but don't assume how he'll do it. His fics share a common them though in that they are usually very long. So have a good time with those. He's got a story going now called Perspectives and it's a bit away from what he usually does being that it's written from the perspectives of all the Skywalkers interchangeably.

Darth Comrade is a star wars author who has written quite a few star wars fics, but the two I'm showcasing are his Ahsoka/Anakin ones called Council of Love and it's sequel Beacons of the Ancients. They're wonderful stories with a unique believable way of how Anakin and Ahsoka get together although it pushes it even for me, but it's a wonderful story.

So check these authors out. They're great writers for the most part and if they lack anything in style, they make up for it in plot and storyline.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cover Art Contest!

Okay, so I was over on the and I saw the covers some of the people had for their stories. Being that I can't draw, I started to wonder if anyone would do it for me. Here are the rules for the dark Ahsoka series!

1)Light of Liberty: Luke and Leia must be in the pic and it must somehow reflect what the story's about as well as the title. So that means some kind of light might be in it, or something else that reflects a significant scene in it.
Descending in Love: The cover must have Ahsoka and Anakin in it and can have any other people the person see as significant to a certain theme of part in the story. A certain theme must also be apparent.
Ascension in Darkness: Must have Darth Pesinoe and Anakin, in it and reflect the theme of the story.
Transition in Darkness: Must have Pesinoe and Leia in the cover and like the rest reflects theme of story.
Ascension from Darkness: This one I'm giving a little leeway since I'm not sure how many characters can fit on one cover. So do as you please.

2) Nothing vulgar. I know you guys aren't like that butit has to be said because one never knows...

3)Have fun with it! I want people to be creative. If it comes down to it and you need to completely disregard the requirements, email or pm me and do so. I'm a reasonable person and I know creative genius can't be confined so tell me if my criteria isn't working and I'll give you the freedom to free style it... In fact disregard those criteria (except for the vulgar one) and draw as you please. I know. I went through the trouble of going through criterias and took it back, but I can't restrict the artist.

So the winners are the ones whose covers I'll use when I submit the stories to fanfic archive and I'll give them that cover art if they accept the story.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Light of Liberty: Story Arcs

So I was looking at this story and I was noticing that it is going to be huge! I mean, the next chapter is ten thousand entire words. So I decided that I would make this thing into story arc because I realized that there are three main turning points in Luke and Leia's journey in this story. Therefore, there will be three story arcs. The first one ends with an update Monday and the next part begins the following Monday under the same name with the subtitle Arc II.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sanctioned by an Angel

So this is going to be my next story... If I can ever get through Light of Liberty (I didn't know what I was getting into when I wrote that), but here's a little sneak peak of it I guess you could say. It's not much since I only have three chapters written, but I think it will do.

“Is her request really too much to ask?”

Vader glared at Ahsoka. “Don’t even start with your lectures. I’m not in the mood.”

“You’re never in the mood for anything,” Ahsoka replied dryly crossing her arms.

“Watch it. Don’t make me change my mind about not killing you,” Vader warned.

“Yeah, yeah Anakin,” Ahsoka said to him. “You wouldn’t kill me. I’m the only one you trust with Leia.

“Try me?” Vader warned pointing a finger at her. “And don’t call me that. That name no longer has any meaning to me.”

Ahsoka knew when to back down. Vader was prone to volatile mood swings and she preferred not to be on the receiving end of them. Instead she calmed down and looked at Vader again.

“Why do you insist on staying in that cheap excuse for life support of a suit. You could get your hands on much better prosthetics, where you wouldn’t have to wear that mask. Leia would enjoy being able to take you to town and show you around instead of being stuck in the house to spend time with you,” Ahsoka noted.

“We’re not discussing this again,” Vader said firmly.

“Why not?” Ahsoka asked.

“Can’t you ever do as you’re told?”

“Learned it from the master,” she said pointedly and then continued. “Besides, I don’t know what’s stopping you. You certainly have the money for it and it wouldn’t be that hard to do it under the emperor’s nose.”

“I don’t doubt it. But I have no time to waste things over such trivial matters. There are more important things I must attend to,” Vader replied.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. “Excuses, excuses. You’re just punishing yourself for what you did to Padmé, punishing yourself because you can’t find Luke,” she said knowing she was crossing a dangerous line. When he didn’t lash out at her, she continued, “But you’re punishing your daughter now. Besides, Padmé wouldn’t want you to punish yourself like this.”

Ahsoka felt Vader’s annoyance through the force. There was a reason he avoided her when he was here. She always spoke hard truths to him whether he wanted to hear them or not and in turn, he irked her with his distance and properness.

Vader stood up. “I’ll take care of Leia for the remainder of the evening. You may take some time for yourself.”

Ahsoka stood up and glared at him. “I take care of Leia because I want to, not because I work for you.”

With that Ahsoka left leaving an exasperated Vader in her wake. He’d rather be commanding incompetent imperial officers than be around his former student to be honest. She always awoke a long buried side of him that he didn’t want to admit was still there because it proved that perhaps the power he now held wasn’t worth everything he had given up and lost. Leia did the same, but Leia was his daughter and she was allowed to do that. Ahsoka was an entirely different matter. 

So as you can kind of tell, it's not going to be a peaches and cream for Ahsoka and Vader (as he slowly but surely redeems himself... eventually). Anyway, I have a lot of great ideas for this story and I want you input on the matter and since there aren't any rules to the blog per say, you can pretty much say whatever you want.

Welcome to the blog people!

So I did say I would go ahead and start a blog for my fics and tell you what I was doing. I figured I'd go ahead and answer some questions. This main page will be general announcements and things about all my fics while I'll be posting pages for all my different series.